All Bus Stops
Here you’ll find all our bus stops listed on this page. To see their schedules, click on the bus stop page.
Black Hawk & Central City
Departure Locations
Cripple Creek
Departure Locations
Casino Arrival Locations
Black Hawk & Central City
The casino shuttle bus makes its first stop in Black Hawk before continuing up the road to Central City. The bus stops in front of several casinos in both locations, where exact arrival locations are provided on the route map page and labeled on site with red bus stop signs.
Cripple Creek
In Cripple Creek, the casino shuttle conveniently stops right outside the Tripple Crown casino, with 5-10 minute walking distance to all other casinos in the area. Cripple Creek offers this main stop both for drop-offs and pick-ups, clearly labeled with a red bus stop sign.
How do I buy a buy a bus ticket?
You can purchase a ticket in cash with the Bus Driver or pre-purchase your ticket online for a discount. Scroll up to the top and look for the red ‘Buy Ticket’ Button to purchase an online ticket.
How often do the buses go?
All of our stops generally have departures nearly every hour of the day. Go to our schedule pages to see a list of all departure times.